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Our latest crush

Posted on 26 July 2016
Our latest crush

Why our crushed brick should be your next purchase.

We love having access to an amazing range of building materials that we can offer our customers that not only add character and charm but provide a great alternative to buying new products. 

Using recycled products lessens your carbon footprint in your build and helps divert materials from landfill so, really everybody wins.

But what happens to the materials that don't survive the demolition and cleaning process whole?

Well, we crush it!

All of our bricks go through a very stringent examination process to make sure they are in excellent condition. Anything that doesn't pass muster, gets separated out and then crushed.

We use different sized screens to make different sized crushed product.

Our reds get crushed into 2 sizes for sporting toppings, a dust and a 2.5ml, both of these products are used for tennis court toppings or baseball diamond toppings. 

We also make a variety of sizes in the red brick to use for garden bed toppings, driveway coverings, and a lot of landscapers use it for paths.

We don't always have just red bricks though, we receive a lot of concrete and general rubble or bricks of other colours.

With these materials we still crush but not to the small sizes of the red, we have a mixed rubble product that is 75mm and below. This is an amazing product for hall roads or access roads. As it is a recycled product it is much more economical than other options.

We also make a mixed colour crushed brick which we call a rainbow mix or eco mix depending on the size. This again is a great landscaping topping for garden beds and paths as you can see in this image below.

We also have a lot of customers using it for the access side of their houses or sub bases for plumbing or driveways.

If your looking for an aggregate product or a crushed topping of any description, why not compare our product and prices. You'll love what we have on offer.

See our range in our catalogue here or call Brett today to find out more 95181507.

Tags:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightLandscapingGarden mulchDIYEcoGroupRecycling

What our
clients say

Using EcoGroup's Face Red Recycled Bricks for a ...

Peter Zeolla

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