Some of the great work our clients have done with our products

Posted on 12 May 2016

Our clients are very clever people.

Not only have they chosen to help the planey by using recycled materials, their work looks amazing too. See for youself.




You can see even more of our images in our gallery here.

If you would like to talk to one of our sales team members about your up and coming project, call today on 1300 326 274.


Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightDemolitionOrganic mulchGarden mulchDIYRoof TileEcoGroupBricksTimberRecyclingExcavation  

An introduction to bricks

Posted on 10 May 2016
An introduction to bricks

A lot of our customers come in asking for bricks for their renovation, extension or even a new build and almost all don't really understand which brick to choose.
Let our brick guide help you make the perfect choice for your project.

Red Bricks

The most popular brick and most common brick found in our yard, the red brick is a classic. It can be used for paving or for walls. It is made of fired clay and will retain its smooth base colour unlike concrete bricks, which will ensure you will always have the true character of a classic red brick.

The colour itself can vary, as no two bricks are the same, from a light-ish red (almost peach) to a dark brown-ish red and almost everything in between.


Rustic Reds

These are predominantly red bricks that are a little more damaged than our A grade red bricks. They have more chips and scuffs which is why they are great for adding character. We often say you will get one clean face. They have most recently had a rise in popularity for feature walls and also are great in the garden for retaining walls if you like that rustic look. Usually these pallets are a variety of bricks so can vary slightly in size. This all adds to the rustic look but your brickie might not enjoy making these bricks level. These bricks would only be used for face or walls, not paving.

Clinker red/blues

These are exactly what it says on the label. These are a red brick with bluish spots or marking on them which are created through the firing process.
The name comes from the sound they make when banged together.
These would only be used for walls but can be used with reds in a blend to decrease the impact that the clinkers give off. Other people love that intensity and use them for the entire wall.
Clinker brick houses are common in inner suburban Melbourne areas such as Ashburton, Malvern, Camberwell and some areas around Coburg and Brunswick. 

This is just the beginning of a long list of different bricks that you can find here at EcoGroup. For more brick types, head to our catalogue and find the right brick for your new project.

For more information, or if you would like help matching your brick, call us today.

Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightDemolitionDIYEcoGroupBricksRecycling  

Why you should be mulching your garden this weekend

Posted on 5 May 2016

The best time to Mulch is now

It is autumn in Melbourne right now and the weather is starting to turn.
The days are getting shorter. The weather is turning colder and we are getting more and more rain.

You would think that your garden would love this time of year, plenty of water and less scorching sunshine to burn leaves but the summer sun also warms the ground which helps the roots or our garden plants grow.

The soil needs to continue to stay warm so the plants are able to survive throughout the winter.

Here's where mulching comes in.

If you use our 100% recycled timber mulch to cover your gardens now, they will stay warm for the winter, providing a nice cosy blanket for your garden.

It also ensures topsoil isn't washed away in strong rains. As soil erosion can be a real problem in some areas.

The best bit is if you lay it now, it will help stop the weeds coming through in spring time and and will mean you have to spend less time in your garden out in the cold and rain over the colder winter months.

It makes sense really, put the hard yards in now, lay the mulch over your entire garden and let our recycled timber mulch do the hard work for you.

By choosing recycled timber mulch you are also turning timber that was destined for landfill back into nature and helping save the planet. Which we think is the best reason of all to get mulching!

We have a great special on our timber mulch. Call us today for more details. 1300 326 274

You can read more about our 100% recycled timber mulch here.

Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightOrganic mulchGarden mulchDIYEcoGroupTimberRecycling  

We can help you recover from storm damage with our recycled roof tiles

Posted on 3 May 2016
We can help you recover from storm damage with our recycled roof tiles

Do you have damage from recent storms in Melbourne? Do you need replacement roof tiles?

EcoGroup have thousands of recycled roof tiles that will match your existing roof.


Melbourne is experiencing major destruction from storms. Winds of about 100 kilometres per hour were recorded on the bay and in the state's south-west. These storms are causing major headaches for homeowners who are experiencing severe damage to their property and in particular, roofs.

If you have roof damage and need replacement tiles, contact EcoGroup today.

We will help you match your existing roof with our 100% recycled roof tiles.

We have a wide range of both concrete and terracotta roof tiles as well as ridge capping, chimney pots, ridge lace and other roofing accessories.

Contact us now for a quote.

1300 326 274.

For more information about our roof tile products, head to our catalogue here.

Posted in:Roof TileEcoGroupRecycling  

Six things you need to do before starting a demolition.

Posted on 28 April 2016
Six things you need to do before starting a demolition.

Are you contemplating a demolition? Read this first.

Knock-down-rebuild seems to be the latest buzz word in the construction industry.
Every suburb has excavators and machines ploughing through the normally quiet residential streets in preparation to knock down either one huge old house to make way for multiple townhouses or an even larger mega mansion.

It seems so easy, just knock it down, clear the rubbish and get started on building, but it can get very complicated and extremely stressful if not done right.
Let us help you make this process a little less stressful.

1. Read your contract thoroughly.

We get customers all the time that don't understand things we are asking for or get a shock when we bring up tasks that they need to do.
We make sure all the details you need to know are clearly stated in the contract and every other demolisher would be the same.
So, to make sure you don't get any surprises or you are left unprepared and stressed out, read your contract from start to finish.

2. You need to handle the abolishments yourself.

Demolition works will not commence until all gas and electricity services have been abolished and not
just disconnected.
Due to privacy laws only the person who is an authorised account holder can arrange
gas and electricity abolishments through their service provider.
The abolishment of gas and electricity generally takes up to 20 business days with your service provider.
The cutting and sealing of sewers will only be required if your builder or architect advises that this is a
requirement. Should you require cut and seal of your sewer, you will need to organise a licensed
Water connection is required during the demolition and construction phases, as this is an Occupational
Health and Safety requirement. So, don't cut the water!

3. You may need council approval if you want to remove the trees on your block.

You will need to check with your local council if a Tree Permit is required to remove trees. Local councils
have regulations for tree removal. It may depend on the size or type of tree. Contact your
local council to check their regulations. Your local council website should have this information. This can be a lengthy process, so get this checked before you apply for demolition.

4. Get asset protection from your local council.

Demolition or building works will not commence until you have arranged Asset Protection via your local
council. Asset Protection is a council requirement. The permit is required in order to protect council
assets such as footpaths, kerb and channel, trees, pits/drains and nature strips from damage during the
transportation of equipment, machinery and building materials. Contact your local council for further

5. Almost every house has some asbestos in it, get it checked by a professional.

Almost every house built before 1993 will have some asbestos in it somewhere.
Whether you leave it to us or another company, asbestos is a serious business that needs to be managed by professionals. Don't mess about with your safety or the demolishers. Get it checked first.

6. Ensure the title of the property is in your name before applying for permits.

A Certificate of Title is the deed which shows the land description and registered
proprietor. In the event that you are unable to locate your Certificate of Title document
you can obtain a copy via Landata

We've put this info plus more into a helpful factsheet you can download here.

Here at EcoGroup we pride ourselves on being Australia's first green demolisher. We recycle up to 97% of all materials taken from a demolition site.

So when choosing your demolisher, make sure your old house isn't being sent straight to landfill. What a waste! Recycle Right. Choose EcoGroup.

For a quote, click here. Or call us on 1300 326 476.

Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightDemolitionEcoGroupRecycling  

What our
clients say

We love the look of the gorgeous crushed brick, it drains well and even looks like the beautiful ...

The Road Stall, Monbulk

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